Here are short explanations for all the terms and names in the world information. To find a specific term or name, use ‘Ctrl + F’. All characters currently alive are marked with an asterisk.
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
- Abarza - Light theumite advisor in the Free Lands, died in suspicious circumstances.
- Academy, Mage - The scheel were Imperial alenti learn to use magic.
- Adura Legion - Famous Imperial Legion.
- Aegis - Holy symbol of the Imperial priest.
- Aethil - Capital of the Empire country Melmir.
- Ahumat - Legendary water theumite from the times of the Alenti-Theumite War.
- Air - Third of the theumite elements. Opposite element Earth.
- Alenti - Larger of the two peoples of Theuma. Singular ‘alenti’, adjective ‘alenti’.
- Alenti-Theumite War - Conflict during which the alenti conquered Theuma and killed most of its theumite inhabitants 2800 years ago.
- Alentum - The origin continent of the alenti.
- Alger - Longest river in the Empire, Rhaentium is situated on its inner sea end.
- Alix * - From Tribe Turahan. Current king of the Free Lands.
- Almith * - Shadow theumite emissary in the Free Lands.
- Altar - A place sacred to the gods, often appearing by itself.
- Amite - Shadow theumite Source in the Empire.
- Andrelos I - First Emperor of Leonte.
- Andrelos IX - Emperor, set restrictions on the usage of apeiron.
- Areun - A Free Lands tribe.
- Argis Finder - Current chief of Tribe Xenit.
- Aora - A tributary in the Empire.
- Apeiromancy - Imperial magic that is fueled by apeiron.
- Apeiron - Imperial term for the first element.
- ‘Ar - Imperial prefix to denote the family name of a married person’s partner.
- Aren - A village on the southernmost point of the land border, with bustling trade.
- Arim-Wol - The Free Lands god of plenty and hope.
- Arling - Capital of Dawnland.
- Athis Forest - One of the largest forests in the Empire.
- Atrepe - The Empire god of knowledge.
- Azat - Capital of the Empire county Perein.
- Azen - A Free Lands tribe.
- Balden - From Tribe Kerr. King of the Free Lands.
- Ban-Mawr - The Free Lands god of chaos and oaths, the leader of the gods.
- Band - Military unit in the Free Lands.
- Baruna - The Empire god of civilisation and music.
- Belonger - One of theumite bonds, denotes a person who belongs to a group.
- Beraz Pass - A pass in the middle of Kethar Mountains, the only point of access to the Talmekar Peninsula.
- Blessed - A title of honor used to address a priest in the Empire.
- Blessing - A benefcial spell of a god or a priest.
- Bloodsucker - Free Lands term for a bloodsucking being.
- Bond - A relationship between two or more theumites.
- Book of the Blessed - The Imperial record of saints.
- Borderland - The Free Lands part of the border area.
- Braveland - One of the Free Lands.
- Brewers, Society of - A group of brewers in the Free Lands.
- Brig - A Free Lands tribe.
- Bringer of Plenty - One of Arim-Wol’s titles.
- Cairlinn Tor - The capital of the Free Lands and the living place of the king.
- Calendar - Joint calendar used all over the continent. 12 months in a year, 8 days in a week.
- Carresca - Legendary air theumite from the times of the Alenti-Theumite War.
- Caster - An user of Runic Arts in the Free Lands.
- Casters, Society of - A group in the Free LAnds that teaches the Runic Arts.
- Ceriel, Saint - Patron saint of those drowned at sea in the Empire.
- Chief, clan - Leader of a clan.
- Chief of the Free - One of Ban-Mawr’s titles.
- Chief, tribe - Leader of a tribe.
- Chosen, The - Upper class in the Empire.
- Cilines, Saint - Patron saint of the innocent dead in the Empire.
- Citizen - Term for an inhabitant of the Empire.
- Clan - A societal unit in the Free Lands, the inhabitants of one place.
- Cliffland - One of the Free Lands bordering the Empire.
- Codex, The - The recorded laws of the Free Lands.
- Copper - Cheapest currency in the Free Lands.
- Council of Leaders - Highest governing authority of the theumites.
- Dager Riverwolf * - Current chief of Tribe Turahan.
- Darais - A Free Lands tribe.
- Darsilis - The Empire god of life.
- Darith Legion - Imperial Legion made of war prisoners and moroia.
- Dawnland - One of the Free Lands.
- Daysinger - One of Eil-Gann’s titles.
- Deep of the World - Deepest point on the continent, at the end of which live the Free Lands gods and their servants.
- Deepwood - Thick evergreen forest in the Free Lands.
- Dermen - Capital of Braveland.
- Desaur * - Fire theumite emissary in the Free Lands.
- Dethan - Air theumite Source in the Empire.
- Dimzarien - Legendary light theumite from the times of the Alenti-Theumite War.
- Domain - The area of influence of a god that their priests may affect.
- Doombringer - One of Zer-Nim’s titles.
- Draugr - Free Lands term for undead.
- Droat - Light theumite Source in the Free Lands.
- Durras - A county in the Empire.
- Duskland - One of the Free Lands.
- Earth - Fourth theumite element. Opposite element Air.
- East Watch - Easternmost point of the Free Lands.
- Economy Council - The regulating body of the Imperial economy.
- Edgeland - One of the Free Lands sharing a border with the Empire.
- Edge of Seeing - One of Lir-Neth’s titles.
- Eil-Gann - The Free Lands god of life and movement.
- Elder - A respected older member of a tribe in the Free Lands.
- Eldest of the Mountains - One of Terhent’s titles.
- Elemental storm - A storm made of a particular elemental force.
- Element - A type of force/power.
- Elish - The most plentiful river in the Empire.
- Emissary - The legendary servants of the gods who rarely appear to speak the will of their god.
- Emperor - The sole ruler of the Empire.
- Empire of Alentum - The alenti Empire on the continent of Alentum.
- Empire of Leonte - The alenti Empire in the west part of Theuma. Singular/multiple ‘leontite/leontites’, adjective ‘Leontite’.
- Empty Hand, Society of the - A society of unarmed fighters in the Free Lands.
- Emreit - Legendary earth theumite from the times of the Alenti-Theumite War.
- Erendi - Capital of Valleyland.
- Erim - From Tribe Lofn. King of the Free Lands.
- Estendar - A county in the Empire.
- Faen - From Tribe Magar. King of the Free Lands.
- Faithguard - The priest who leads the Synod in the Empire.
- Fang Islands - Here live big clawed predators, in the Free Lands.
- Fareis Legion - Famous Imperial Legion.
- Fast River - A river in the Free Lands.
- Feasters, Society of - A society of food makers in the Free Lands.
- Fillan, Saint - Patron saint of teachers in the Empire.
- Finder of Treasures - One of Sulenis’ titles.
- Fire - First theumite element. Opposite element Water.
- First Creator - One of Sulenis’ titles.
- First Dead - One of Keteos’ titles.
- First element - Element and material from which all other elements come from. In the Empire: apeiron. In the Free Lands: galdar.
- First of Songs - One of Arim-Wol’s titles.
- Flame of Endings - One of Zer-Nim’s titles.
- Free Lands, The - A tribal federation of alenti in the east part of Theuma. Singular/multiple ‘Freelander/Freelanders’, adjective ‘Freelander’.
- Force/Power - Magical flows of energy that ignore the laws of nature. Usually called Force in the Free Lands and Power in the Empire.
- Formanet * - Air theumite emissary in the Empire.
- Formulaic language - The language of the mages of the Empire.
- Four Elders - Four islands in the Free Lands.
- Friend - One of the theumite bonds, describes a friendly relationship between two people.
- Galdar - Free Lands term for the first element.
- Ghost - Free Lands term for a soul with no body.
- God - A powerful being, served both in the Empire and in the Free Lands.
- God magic - The magic of the gods, used by the priests.
- Gold - The most valuable currency in the Free Lands.
- Great Lake - Free Lands name for the inner sea in the middle of Theuma.
- Great River - The River that connects the Great Lake to the open sea and flows through the Free Lands.
- Grower - A young theumite who is cared for by a Nurturers.
- Growing House - The living places of little theumites and their carers.
- Guardian of Oaths - One of Ban-Mawr’s titles.
- Guardian of the Knowing - One of Atrepe’s titles.
- Guard of the Waters - One of Parendi’s titles.
- Healers, Society of - A group of healers and hedge witches in the Free Lands.
- Helet - A Free Lands tribe.
- Hesiar * - Light theumite emissary in the Empire.
- Hetse - Capital of Plentyland.
- Hidden Knowledge - One of Vael-Ser’s titles.
- High Court - Highest court in the Empire.
- High Judge - Member of the Imperial High Court.
- High-Leonte - A language used by the Chosen, priests and officials in the Empire.
- Honored - The leaders of theumite sources.
- Honorers - All the other theumites besides the leaders.
- Horned Wood Dweller - One of Rhen-Apa’s titles.
- Howl Islands - Islands rich in apeiron deposits in the Free Lands.
- Hundred holy names - Hundred names reserved only for use by Emperors.
- Hunger Islands - The most dangerous criminals in the Free Lands are imprisoned on these islands.
- Iante Island - A mountainous island close to Talmekar Peninsula in the Empire.
- Ilimenil * - Water theumite emissary in the Empire.
- Ilsippus, Saint - Patron saint of war veterans in the Empire.
- Ilvoed - A Free Lands tribe.
- Initiate - An apprentice in a temple in the Free Lands.
- Iraam I - Emperor.
- Irlagath - Legendary fire theumite from the times of the Alenti-Theumite War.
- Ironet - Capital of the Empire county Katam.
- Irvald - The Free Lands king who created the Codex.
- Isera - A river in the Empire.
- Iser Pathfinder * - Current chief of Tribe Areun.
- Ithen - Capital of Duskland.
- Jarail I - Emperor.
- Juez Forest - A forest in the Empire.
- Jugad - Capital of Redland.
- Kafalam - Legendary earth theumite from the times of the Alenti-Theumite War.
- Kalath - A county in the Empire.
- Kalzaran * - Fire theumite emissary in the Empire.
- Karis - Earth theumite Source in the Empire.
- Kasal - Capital of Edgeland.
- Katam - A county in the Empire.
- Kathen - A Free Lands tribe.
- Katrel II - Emperor, patron of the arts.
- Kauza Islands - An archipelago west of Estendar, where sea serpents are sighted.
- Keeper of Balance - One of Malakhim’s titles.
- Kerr - A Free Lands tribe.
- Keteos - The Empire god of death.
- Kethar Mountains - High mountains that separate Talmekar in two.
- King - The leader of the Free Lands.
- Kingland - Center of the Free Lands, the living place of the King and the Tribeless.
- Kuthar, Püha - Patron saint of border guards in the Empire.
- Lagar - A dead being that drinks blood. Mostly an Empire term.
- Lahin III - Emperor, stopped the wulver hunts in the Empire.
- Lahin V - Emperor.
- Lake Warul - Largest lake in the Empire.
- Landsmeet - A gathering of tribe chiefs in the capital of the Free Lands.
- Last Guardian - One of Rhen-Apa’s titles.
- Leafwood - A large forest of leafy trees in the Free Lands.
- Lechia Miseret - A mage turned moroia, intended to attack the Free Lands, but was stopped.
- Legion - Largest military unit in the Empire.
- Lenal - Water theumite Source in the Free Lands.
- Leonteides - Ruling dynasty of the Empire.
- Lerde - From Tribe Azen. King of the Free Lands.
- Light - Fifth theumite element. Opposite element shadow.
- Light stones - Stones that retain daylight.
- Lilir - Earth theumite Source in the Free Lands
- Lir-Neth - The Free Lands god of death and visions.
- Lofn - A Free Lands tribe.
- Lomor - Capital of the Empire county Kalath.
- Lord of Beginnings - One of Darsilis’ titles.
- Lord of the Hunt - One of Nal-Mat’s titles.
- Lotun Mountains - Mountains situated on the coast of Katam in the Empire.
- Lugen - A Free Lands tribe.
- Magar - A Free Lands tribe.
- Mage - An user of apeiromancy in the Empire.
- Magic - The direction of supernatural powers.
- Makers, Society of - A group of artisans in the Free Lands.
- Malakhim - The Empire god of order and law, leader of the gods.
- Malenim - Earth theumite emissary in the Empire.
- Mallend Small * - Current chief of Tribe Lofn.
- Maras Lamefoot * - Current chief of Tribe Saless.
- Marene - Capital of the Empire county Durras.
- Mark - A tattoo signifying belonging somewhere in the Free Lands.
- Matrin III - Emperor, attempted to make peace with the Free Lands.
- Melmir - A county in the Empire.
- Mekel - From Tribe Darais. King of the Free Lands.
- Menethos - Legendary fire theumite from the times of the Alenti-Theumite War.
- Mistland - One of the Free Lands.
- Mist Pass - The only place in the Sky Mountains that can be traversed.
- Mizaona - Legendary air theumite from the times of the Alenti-Theumite War.
- Moroia - Empire term for an undead.
- Mountain of the Gods - The highest mountain on the continent, on top of which live the gods of the Empire.
- Nal-Mat - The Free Lands god of hunt and rage.
- Namira - King of the Free Lands.
- Necropolis - The separate burial places of the Chosen and the Emperors.
- Nemeria - Old Imperial name for the Free Lands. Means ‘rebellion’. Singular/multiple ‘Nemerian/Nemerians’.
- Nohan - A river in the Empire.
- Norak - A Free Lands tribe.
- Non-Belonger - One of the theumite bonds, signifies a person not belonging to a certain group.
- Novice - An apprentice in a temple in the Empire.
- Numaia - Capital of the Empire county Qhorelth.
- Nurturer - A societal class of theumites who take care of young theumites.
- Official - An Imperial representative of the bureaucracy.
- Old Blood - An alenti with different appearance and traits.
- Oldwood - Here are the oldest forests in the Free Lands.
- Ommel - Capital of Cliffland.
- Opposite element - Each element has an opposite that affects it more strongly than other elements.
- Order - A group following the example of a saint in the Empire.
- Orilik * - Shadow theumite emissary in the Empire.
- Oroph Legion - Famous Imperial Legion.
- Outlaw - A criminal either temporarily or permanently exiled from their tribe.
- Parendi - The Empire god of travelers and time.
- Peace Bringer * - The main title of the current Emperor Relagin II amongst the citizens.
- Peleias Lardon * - Current Imperial strategos.
- Peran Windwatcher * - Current chief of Tribe Skara.
- Perein - A county in the Empire.
- Phaleia, Saint - Patron saint of doctors in the Empire.
- Pigment flowers - Flowers with strong colors, an export article of the Empire.
- Piska - Capital of Strongland.
- Plentyland - One of the Free Lands.
- Priest - An user of god magic.
- Priest, High - A priest in both the Empire and Free Lands who has served for more than 30 years.
- Primin - Shadow theumite Source in the Free Lands.
- Protector of the Living - One of Darsilis’ titles.
- Qhorelth - A county in the Empire.
- Ragald - Capital of Woodland.
- Ragath - From tribe Lugen, first King of the Free Lands.
- Ragers, Society of - A group of ragers and wulvers in the Free Lands.
- Raika - A soul with a body that has not left this world. Empire term.
- Redland - One of the Free Lands.
- Rememberers, Society of - A group of chroniclers, skalds and storytellers in the Free Lands.
- Raqial - Legendary light theumite from the times of the Alenti-Theumite War.
- Raskami - Capital of the Empire county Talmekar.
- Raun, Saint - Patron saint of Rhaentium in the Empire.
- Razen - Fire theumite Source in the Empire.
- Regular class - Most of the Empire’s citizens, those who are not Chosen.
- Relagin II * - Current Emperor of Leonte.
- Renek - A county in the Empire.
- Rhaente - A territory of the Empire.
- Rhaentium - Capital of the Empire.
- Rhaentium University - Oldest university on the continent.
- Rhaiken * - Air theumite emissary in the Free Lands.
- Rhen-Apa - The Free Lands of forests and ancestors.
- Rigan - From Tribe Brig. King of the Free Lands.
- Rival - One of theumite bonds, describes a rivalry between two people.
- Ruen Forest - Once beautiful and evergreen, now changed after the plague that hit Katam.
- Ruler of Storms - One of Nal-Mat’s titles.
- Rune tongue - The magical language of Free Lands casters.
- Runic Arts - Free Lands magic that uses apeiron.
- Saint - One of the revered dead in the Empire.
- Saless - A Free Lands tribe.
- Satha - King of the Free Lands.
- Saqad - Light theumite Source in the Empire.
- Seafarers, Society of - A group of sailors in the Free Lands.
- Sea of Selag - The inner sea in the middle of Theuma.
- Semqalit - Legendary shadow theumite from the times of the Alenti-Theumite War.
- Senate, The - The highest governmental organisation in the Empire.
- Sender of News - One of Eil-Gann’s titles.
- Servile - A man-made creature with a soul.
- Shadow - Sixth theumite element. Opposite element Light.
- Shiale - Air theumite Source in the Free Lands. Shell
- Shield of Law - One of Malakhim’s titles.
- Shoran - Capital of the Empire county Vaserra.
- Shower of the Ways - One of Parendi’s titles.
- Silver - The second most valuable currency in the Free Lands.
- Skald - A singer and storyteller in the Free Lands.
- Skara - A Free Lands tribe.
- Sky Mountains - A mountain range in the Free Lands that borders the Empire.
- Society - A group of people with same interests and skills in the Free Lands.
- Soul of the Cities - One of Baruna’s titles.
- Source - The birth and living place of theumites. Multiple ‘sources’.
- Speaker - The Leader of the Imperial Senate.
- Staurus - The currency of the Empire.
- Storra - The capital of Mistland.
- Strategos - The Leader of the Imperial army.
- Strongland - One of the Free Lands.
- Student (theumite) - A student of an occupation.
- Sulenis - The Empire god of creation and industry.
- Sunrider - One of Terhent’s titles.
- Synod, The - The highest Imperial council of faith.
- Talmekar - A county in the Empire.
- Taverna - Imperial term for an inn.
- Teacher (theumite) - One who teaches an occupation to a student.
- Telit - A town on the northern end of the land border, a hub of trade alike to Aren.
- Temmir - From Tribe Areun. King of the Free Lands.
- Temple - A building dedicated to a god.
- Terhent - The Empire god of war.
- Teria Brightmind * - Current chief of Tribe Helet.
- Theoleia - Capital of the Empire county Renek.
- Theuma - The continent where the larp series takes place in.
- Theumiidid (Theumites) - The natives of Theuma. Singular ‘theumite’, adjective ‘theumite’
- Thickwood - The largest leafy forest of the Free Lands.
- Traders, Society of - The society of those who know the value and prices of different goods in the Free Lands.
- Tribe - Largest societal unit in the Free Lands.
- Tribeless - A tribe which is not a tribe that lives in the capital of the Free Lands.
- Trickster, The - One of Vael-Ser’s titles.
- Troisin Volcano - A volcano in Talmekar in the Empire.
- Turahan - A Free Lands tribe.
- Ualeth * - Earth theumite emissary in the Free Lands.
- Undead - A being whose soul is in their dead body.
- Ureth - Fire theumite Source in the Free Lands.
- Urut - Capital of the Empire county Estendar.
- Vael-Ser - The Free Lands god of tricks and secrets.
- Valara Legion - Famous Imperial Legion.
- Valleyland - One of the Free Lands.
- Vaserra - A county in the Empire.
- Velder - King of the Free Lands.
- Velesin, Saint - Patron saint of child bearers in the Empire.
- Veshena - Legendary shadow theumite from the times of the Alenti-Theumite War.
- Vinte - Capital of Windland.
- Vishalla * - Water theumite emissary in the Free Lands.
- Vognar - From Tribe Xenit. King of the Free Lands.
- Wanderers, Society of - The society of hunters, foresters and scouts in the Free Lands.
- Warden of Endings - One of Keteos’ titles.
- War chief - The leader of a war band appointed either by the clan or tribe chief in the Free Lands.
- War leader - Leader of the united army of the Free Lands, appointed by the king.
- Warmthkeeper - One of Baruna’s titles.
- Warul - Water theumite source in the Empire.
- Watcher of Memories - One of Atrepe’s titles.
- Water - Second theumite element. Opposite element Fire. Weregild
- White River - A river in the Free Lands.
- Windland - One of the Free Lands.
- Wind of Loss - One of Lir-Neth’s titles.
- Wolan Nightstalker * - Current chief of Tribe Brig.
- Woodland - One of the Free Lands.
- Wulver - Alenti who can take beast form.
- Xagha Bluehead * - Current chief of Tribe Ilvoed.
- Xaghol - Light theumite emissary in the Free Lands.
- Xenit - A Free Lands tribe.
- Xerean IV - Emperor, dedicated to faith.
- Yaner Capable * - Current chief of Tribe Norak.
- Yriel, Saint - Patron saint of those who died from the plague in the Empire.
- Zalagos VII - Emperor, standardised trade and measurements.
- Zalagos VIII - Emperor, warmonger.
- Zeane - A river in the Empire.
- Zelia - From Tribe Kathen. King of the Free Lands.
- Zer-Nim - The Free Lands god of destruction and sickness.
- Zoalthin - Legendary water theumite from the times of the Alenti-Theumite War.